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T-Compressor provides you with numerous options for shaping your dynamic range. With its unique features, including serial processing, you can enhance the sound of anything.

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Techivation Plugins Compatibility
Compatible with macOS and Windows.Available as VST, VST3, AU, and AAX. - Apple Silicon Chips

Smart solution for creators

Get full control on compression in an innovative, easy, and fast way

New Plug-in T-Compressor | Offering Serial Compression, Innovative Controls & More. | Techivation
Drum Compression: T-Compressor Plugin Tutorial Pt. 1 | Techivation

Let's hear it in action

Sound Examples

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Key Features

  • Four compression styles

    You can choose between fully transparent or three other sound colors including “Clean”, “Crispy”, “Warm” and “Thick”.

    Clean: The compressor sounds fully transparent when the “Clean” mode is selected.

    Crispy: This mode adds more brightness and a unique color to the sound.

    Warm: It adds warmth and an analog vibe to the sound when selected.

    Thick: This mode helps make the sound more open and three-dimensional, as well as bringing dull sounds to life.

  • Serial compression

    T-Compressor allows you to add up to 3 compressor instances in the same plug-in unit and have full control over 3 of them on a single plug-in window.

  • Digital graph visualizer

    The Digital Graph Visualizer allows you to see the real-time gain reduction processing on your audio.

  • VU meter

    VU meter shows how much audio is being compressed using its analog style meter.

  • SC-HP

    The Side-chain High-pass filter (sc-hp) prevents the lower frequencies from being compressed.

  • Linked compression

    The automatic connection of the compression knob with the attack, release and ratio controls lets you find the desired sound more quickly and accurately.

  • Smart auto-gain

    Every sound that gets compressed loses amplitude level, but this option keeps the wet output sound at the same level as the dry input sound.

  • Global presets

    These are the presets that can add up to 3 compressors with different settings to the plug-in.

  • Individual presets

    These are the presets that apply to individual compressors in the serial chain.

  • Dry/wet mix

    The 'Mix' option regulates the mix of the two input and output signals, making it ideal for parallel processing.

  • Oversampling up to 4X

    Oversampling in T-Compressor helps you decrease aliasing by executing the internal process at a higher sample rate than the host, up to 4X times higher. (In other words, it will improve the quality of your audio.)

  • Scalable graphic user interface

    Scale up/down the GUI from 80% to 150% according to your preferences.

  • Undo/redo options

    Undo and redo options are built inside the plugin, you no longer need to worry about losing setting values.

  • A/B Switch

    Compare different options fast and easily to see which might work best.

T-Compressor Features



7 and up as 64-bit VST and VST3, and 64-bit AAX (PT11 and up).

Mac OS

10.12 (macOS Sierra) or higher as 64bit VST, VST3, and AU, and 64-bit AAX, Intel, and Apple Silicon Chips.

Useful Resources

PDF User manualHave questions? Contact us
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