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M-Leveller is an intelligent event-based volume automation plug-in that delivers consistent levels with unmatched transparency and superhuman precision. It adjusts the gain of audio events right before they occur, ensuring precise control without compromising dynamics or tone.

$129.00Try it
Introductory sale ends March 31.
Techivation Plugins Compatibility
Compatible with macOS and Windows.Available as VST, VST3, AU, and AAX. - Apple Silicon Chips

Smart solution for creators

Smart Volume Automation, Beyond Human Precision

NEW PLUG-IN! Techivation M-Leveller Walkthrough

Let's hear it in action

Sound Examples

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The key advantages

  • Automate volume levelling effortlessly, eliminating the need for manual adjustments and saving time in your workflow.

  • Keep vocals and instruments consistently balanced, ensuring they sit naturally in the mix without sudden level changes.

  • Smooth out drum dynamics, maintaining energy and impact while keeping the groove tight.

  • Optimize audio levels before compression, allowing compressors to work more transparently and effectively.

  • Preserve the natural feel of your performance, ensuring volume consistency without affecting transients or tonal balance.

  • Prevent sudden peaks on the master bus, reducing the risk of unwanted distortion and keeping your mix clean and controlled.

Key Features

  • Target

    “Target” level is the main control of the plug-in. It sets the desired output peak level for the processed audio in dBFS (decibels relative to full scale).

  • Noise Floor

    “Noise Floor” sets the level below which audio events will not be levelled. Use this control to prevent background noise, bleed, breaths, etc. from being level-matched to the rest of the audio.

    The input waveform display can be used to visually set the “Noise Floor” level to keep the unwanted audio events below, and the meaningful events above.

  • Display Range

    “Display Range” controls the range of levels shown on the waveform display. The maximum level is fixed to +3 dBFS, while the minimum level can be set to -48, -36, -24, or -16 dBFS.

  • Waveform/diff Display

    “Waveform display” visually presents the history of the input and output levels for the past 2 seconds. The left half of the display shows the input levels in blue, while the right half shows the output in gold.

  • Speed

    “Speed” controls the response speed of the leveller. Internally, it determines how long the events that M-Leveller Mix detects are: at high “Speed” values, the plug-in will level individual notes, percussive hits, etc., while low “Speed” values result in levelling whole musical phrases.

  • Mix

    “Mix” parameter controls how much of the leveller gain is applied to the audio. You can use this control to preserve some of the original level variation of your audio, similarly in principle to parallel compression.

  • Perceptual Filter Shape

    By default, M-Leveller Mix operates based on the peak level of your track. However, peak levels are not always representative of how we perceive the loudness of audio. Human hearing is inherently more sensitive to higher frequencies, and less sensitive to low frequencies. This means that a high frequency noise and a low frequency noise with the same peak level can be perceived as having different loudness by the human ear.

  • Peak / Filtered

    “Peak / Filtered” control of the Perceptual Filter section determines how much of the filter is applied during levelling. At 0%, the plug-in performs levelling purely based on the peak levels. Higher values adjust the M-Leveller Mix sensitivity in accordance with the “Shape” setting to better imitate human perception.

  • Filter button

    “Filter” button allows you to listen to the output of the Perceptual Filter directly. You can use it to help you set the “Shape” frequencies.

  • Match Sidechain

    “Match Sidechain” button enables you to match the level of an external signal, instead of manually setting the “Target” level. To take advantage of this feature, please refer to your DAW manual for information on how to set up the external sidechain input to the plug-in.

  • Mix Assist

    “Mix Assist” button enables the plug-in to capture and analyse the input and intelligently set the processing parameters. M-Leveller Mix will capture 3.5 seconds of audio for the analysis. Make sure to play the busiest part of your track when learning to get the best results.

  • Output

    “Output” parameter controls the amount of clean gain applied to the processed signal.

  • Gain Adjustment Mode

    'Gain Adjustment Mode' option in the main menu of the plug-in allows you to choose whether M-Leveller is allowed to boost (increase level), cut (decrease level), or both to reach the 'Target' level.

  • A/B Switch

    The A/B buttons provide a convenient way to compare different options and find the optimal setting for your audio processing needs. With just a click, you can easily switch between two different versions of the same processing chain and compare the results.

  • Undo-Redo Options

    The M-Leveller plug-in comes equipped with the handy feature of built-in 'Undo' and 'Redo' options, providing added peace of mind while working on your audio processing. With these functions, you can easily revert to previous settings or redo changes that were made in error, saving time and eliminating the stress of potentially losing valuable adjustments.

  • Scaleable GUI

    The interface scaling feature in M-Leveller allows you to customise the size of the GUI to suit your preferences and optimise your workflow. With a range of scaling options available, from 80% to 150%, you can personalise the interface to match your visual and working style.

M-Leveller Features



7 and up as 64-bit VST and VST3, and 64-bit AAX (PT11 and up)

Mac OS

10.15 (Catalina) and higher as VST, VST3, AU, and AAX. Intel processors, and Apple Silicon Chips.

Useful Resources

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